Free Board Management Software Vs Paid Software

With so many options selecting a board management software could be a daunting task. Some might offer more features than others, but they are not all created identical. Free software is appealing, but it’s important to consider the advantages of paying for a fully-featured solution.

A robust board portal will allow you to track accesses, downloads, and views. You must also be able to set access and privacy settings to ensure that only authorized people are able to access your data.

With all the reports of hacking and data breaches, it’s imperative that any solution your board uses offers top-tier security. Unfortunately the majority of free options do not rise to the same level. They offer low encryption (128 bits) or no encryption at all, making your company vulnerable to hackers.

Select a system that is compatible with mobile devices so that you can utilize it on the go. It will be easier to stay in touch with your board members even if you are not at the meeting. It will also enable you to keep a log of the discussions that take place at each meeting for later reference. It should also have simple tools for creating agendas and minutes and allowing voting and electronic signing. This will streamline your workflow and boost productivity.

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